Saturday, August 1, 2009

Say sorry

In an effort to find all the missing library books (at least all the ones that are due today) I informed the kids that they had to help me look and that they had to clean their rooms. Calton informed me that I was being annoying. I told him to sit in time out until he figured out a better thing to say. So Alena went to tell him that he should say he's sorry. He came to tell me that he was sorry and I asked him if he knew why I sent him to time out. He shook his head. So Alena, the ever helpful sister, told him to say that he needed to tell me that he was sorry he said that I was starting to be annoying. Calton, in typical Calton fashion, shortened the apology and said he was sorry that I was starting to be annoying. Sigh.


Jennie said...

That sounds like Calton. How many four-year-olds have a vocabulary like his?

MaryJo said...

that is sooooo funny! Reminds me of Anne of Green Gables....

Sharon said...